Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Scrooge in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay -- Christmas Car
scrooge in A Christmas Carol by Charles ogreThe novel, A Christmas Carol, is more than just a mere story insteadit tries to expose the negative side of Victorian society and thereason butt end this horror, the greed of the richesy, through the development of the character crank. All this while enterpriseing toprompt readers with peasants similar wealth to make a change. Asmentioned earlier, the development of Scrooges character is vital tothis and I will explain how his character develops as the storyproceeds and how it is used to accomplish the aim as mentioned above.In the first stave, Dickens tries to point out that Scrooge is acharacter that society considers negative. In the introduction,Dickens points out Scrooges wealth to immediately aim any point aboutsociety not only to average people but in particular to people ofScrooges similar wealth, he does this by describing Scrooge as anexcellent man of business on the very day of the funeral, this notonly proves Scrooges wea lth but also that Scrooge is a coldcharacter, the first hint of the truly negative character of Scroogeto be revealed by and by in this stave, since he has the heart to dobusiness on the day of the funeral of his long time business partner.What makes this worse is that Marley was Scrooges equal in terms ofcharacter as far as the story goes since Dickens chose to describewhat Scrooge meant to Marley as his fillet of sole executor, his soleadministrator, his sole friend and his sole mourner, therefore sinceScrooge showed little sympathy in the death of his equal it givesthe readers a sense of cannibalism since Scrooge is practicallyturning his back on Marley in his death. Even in the introduction,Dickens ... changed as Scrooge is not usually earnest at all. Not onlywhich, Scrooge seems to be a lot happier after this change as provenby the quote Oh, glorious. This is Scrooge describing theenvironment, in his description he describes it positively showing a household that he is happier. This is important as it is a signal toreaders in Scrooges financial situation that they will be happierafter the change.My conclusion is that Scrooges character is used by Dickens torepresent an exgaratted stereotypical version of the Victorian wealthybusinessman who is greedy. The story is not only an attempt by Dickensto tell these businessmen what they are missing out on by beinggreedy(as proven by Scrooges gratification after the change) but alsomeant to expose the unfairness in Society where the rich who can dothe most to improve lives do not notwithstanding try to do so.
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